Tuesday, March 8, 2016


         A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to England during "sport break". If you are wondering what "sport break" is exactly, it is a week off of school so you can play sports, do activities, and travel. While we were in England we saw many famous attractions and buildings such as, The London Eye, Kensington palace, and Selfridges.
         While we were in England we had tea at Kensington garden's for my birthday (It was delicious). On that same day we went to Piccadeli circus. There we saw a mime/clown joggling bowling pins and bean bags while on a tricycle. We also saw a magician and a silver lady. The day before when we were walking around we went into Selfridges which is a huge shopping mall that opened in the early 1900's by Harry Gordon Selfridge. The last full day we were there we went on the London Eye. There was a long line but, when we got up to the top we could see Big Ben, parliament, and Westminister Abbey.
        This trip to London was very exciting and I would recommend for people to travel here. I myself would love to come back in the future.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

First Month in Sverige (Sweden)

 This first month so far has been exciting. I have tried new things like blodpudding, celebrated a swedish Christmas and started school in a new country. 
  The 2nd week I was in Sweden my parents gave me something that looked like a little hamburger patty(it was not a hamburger patty). When I asked what it was my parents told me they would not tell me until I ate it and then I said "It tastes like sweet bread". I found out after I took a bite that it was blodpudding which is blood, sugar and bread in a sausage form. I was imedietly discusted and wouldn't eat any more. Moving on from blodpudding one of my favorite swedish desserts I would get at fika (coffe break) is called princess cake. This cake consists of whipped cream, jelly, sponge cake and marzipan (my favorite).
  Last year was the first time I celebrated a Swedish Christmas. The difference between a Swedish Christmas and an America Christmas is that Christmas in Sweden is celebrated the day before Christmas. They also have a really creepy "tomten" (Santa Claus) that comes and gives presents to everyone.
  To wrap up, this month has been wonderful and full of surprises. I hope that next will be as exciting as the first. Jag skrivar nästa veckan! Hej da!(I'll write next week! Goodbye!).